How Dent Repair Works

Paintless dent restoration is a method of removing minor dents and dings without damaging the paint. It’s a fast and cost-effective way to restore your car.

The first step in PDR is assessing the damage. Next, the technician will determine if it’s worth repairing the dent or replacing the panel.

Paintless Dent Removal (PDR)

Paintless dent repair, or PDR, can be used to restore your vehicle. It’s quick, cost-effective, and boosts resale value.

A technician gently massages the indented metal back into shape using specialized tools while maintaining the factory paint. The dents get smaller and progressively disappear until they’re nearly invisible.

The repair process relies on what’s called “metal memory.” When a piece of metal is pressed against another, it will want to return to its original shape. The PDR process is based on this principle and a precise system of steps to ensure a consistent, quality repair every time.

PDR is a process that can be used to repair the most common dents and dings in your car, including door dings and body creases. These can be caused by sports accidents or other incidents, such as a shopping cart bumping into your vehicle in a parking lot.

Repairing a Door Dent

You can fix a dent in a door by yourself if you have access to a small amount of body filler or spackle. These are inexpensive to purchase and can be applied with a putty knife or similar tool.

Another method is to place a piece of insulation on the damaged area, then cover it with a thin layer of wood filler. It is a good option for shallow dents because it can raise the indentation until it matches the rest of the wood.

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Alternatively, you can use a hair dryer to heat up and extend the dent’s outer surface. Then, spray it with compressed air to cool and contract the material.

The process may take longer than other methods because it involves sanding down the damaged area, applying filler, and sanding again to remove the sanding marks. It is a much more extensive process but can be a great way to repair a minor dent.

Repairing a Fender Dent

Minor dents can ruin your car’s appearance and are not always easy to remove. Runaway shopping carts, baseballs thrown by children, and out-of-the-way light posts are just a few things that can clip your fender, causing a dent in its smooth contours.

Fortunately, some fender dents can be fixed using simple do-it-yourself techniques. But it would be best if you kept in mind that some fender dents may reappear with changes in the weather, so it’s essential to use the right technique for your specific fender material.

One DIY repair method uses hot glue to stick wooden dowels onto the fender’s surface. The dowels allow you to pull on different parts of the dent. But make sure you’re patient and only pull straight, as pulling at an angle will dislodge the specialized tool and force you to restart the process.

Repairing a Window Dent

If the damage is minor, you can often repair it yourself. However, investing in a window replacement may be more cost-effective if it’s large.

Even if you can’t fix a window, you can prevent further cracking by staying out of extreme temperatures. Extreme heat and cold cause windows to expand or contract, stressing cracked glass and compromising its structural integrity.

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Using a strong-hold tape, tape the edges of a crack, especially on both sides, to keep it from spreading. A single strip should be enough to prevent stress cracks from worsening, but for deeper cracks, a couple of strips can help hold the window together until you can get a professional window repair done.

Once the crack is filled, fill in any remaining divots or little bits of glass with the pit filler. It will crack a smooth, smear-free finish. You can also add pit polish to make the repair more appealing.

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